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Captain’s Dive Blog

Shhhhh . . .Do Not Disturb . . . Turtles At Rest

Turtles at rest, please do not disturb!  With turtle nesting season in full swing, here in Palm Beach Florida, many divers are excited in seeing and having an encounter with these beautiful creatures, but please be mindful, these big beauties need their rest too! We find the turtles in many different sleeping positions, many seem to be acting like ostriches.…

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Close Encounters of TURTLES

Yes, it is that time of year here in South Florida where we have close encounters of turtles. Our crew loves this time of year and are excited to show you these big beautiful creatures.  Many turtles, especially Loggerhead turtles, can be found resting or cruising along our reefs.  Right now we have been encountering as many as 6 to 12 Loggerhead turtles in one…

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The Sea Turtles are Here in Palm Beach, Florida

Aahhh yes, it’s that time of the year, the sea turtles are moving into West Palm Beach, Florida! It is the start of the season which runs from March thru October.  We are already seeing many large male Loggerhead sea turtles and a few females cruising around our reefs.  The Leatherback turtles usually start off the season arriving as early as February.  …

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Heavy Metal in Winter

Although most are drawn to our reefs in the spring and summer months, we can not forget about our winter months.  Winter is the time when the sharks, especially lemons, migrate through our waters and they are beauty to behold.   And what better place to find them then on our wrecks . . . Heavy Metal baby! Along with sharks encounters of Bulls, Lemons, Hammerheads,…

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Lots of Marine Life in Palm Beach Florida

Summer has come to an end and we are now into the fall weather, but does not mean we stop diving here in Palm Beach, Florida, Oooo no . . . there is a lot of marine life in Palm Beach year round. Our good friend Jim Cocci came out with us yesterday and here are some special moments he captured. Drifting along the reefs brought us a few unexpected surprises such as the Magnificent…

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Variety is the Spice of Life in the Palm Beaches

So you’ve come to Palm Beach, Florida to go diving, do you have a few days?  Well,  it may not be enough time to see all that we have to offer here in our waters, but we can start you off on a few of our beautiful reefs.  Some of our reefs are less than a mile off shore and stretches up  the coast. You’ll be amazed at the variety and abundance of marine life.…

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Turtle Love in the Palm Beaches

If you haven’t heard love is in the air, or should we say in our ocean.  Turtle Love in the Palm Beaches is where it’s at. Loggerhead and Green turtles are most prevalent to be seen, with the occasional Leatherback sighting, during mating and nesting season (March thru September). These Green turtles were seen on the surface doing their little ‘tango’…

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Fatal Attraction

Yesterday we pulled this net which was floating just below the surface of the water.  The net appeared to be part of a commercial trawling net.  On our daily trips we find items such as mylar balloons, buckets, gallon jugs, plastic bags, etc. and that’s just on the surface.  Our guides and regular divers make every effort to keep our reefs clean and come…

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Action Packed Week in South Florida, Palm Beach

Winter has come to an end and we are rolling from Spring time in to Summer, our reefs are coming more active.  We’d like to share some of the wonders we’ve encounter during this past action packed week in South Florida, Palm Beach. Turtle Season has started and the turtles (Loggerhead, Leatherback & Green) are moving in for mating and nesting on our…

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2014 Lobster Season Fun

As of March 31st the 2014 Lobster Season fun has come to an end.  Over the last 8 months we’re been catching bugs and having lots of fun.  As the last weekend rolled around there was plenty of action on the boat and bugs everywhere.  Our last days we found lots of shorts and eggers, which is a good sign for the next season.  Now that the season has comes to…

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