We know how hard it is sometimes to come up with some excuses to go scuba diving in West Palm Beach, Florida. This might be what you need!
If you’re trying to convince yourself to wait for the best possible conditions to go diving — perhaps for the water temperature to warm up, better visibility, or for the possibilities of seeing lots of sea turtles. Have a look at today’s photos and hopefully that will be all the convincing you’ll need to book your day(s) of scuba diving in West Palm Beach.
If on the other hand it’s your boss, whether it’s the one at work or at home, you’re trying to convince, we have conveniently added some excuses you can use with some of today’s photos. We hope they will come in handy. Please be sure to share some of your best excuses to skip a day of work or the honey-do list at home in our comments area. We would love to hear them!
No matter the excuse, there is no better time to go out scuba diving with us than RIGHT NOW! Just check out the visibility and marine life on today’s dive. Did I mention the water temperature is up in the 75-77 degrees Fahrenheit range, too? So what are you waiting for? Give us a call! An operator (aka. Captain Bill Walker) is standing by…

Tell your boss you can’t come in tomorrow. Your vision is all wacky… You’re seeing double! No, triple! No, 53 times!!!

Tell your boss you need to urgently go see a good friend who is feeling “very down!”

Tell’em you’re cramping really bad!

Tell your boss you’re suffering from a rare case of very low salinity levels in your body!

Tell’em you have a bad case of yellow fever!
Whatever excuses to go scuba diving you use, we hope you will join us for some great diving and great fun aboard The Wetter The Better dive boat in West Palm Beach, Florida. Check out the rest of today’s underwater photos:
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